Our Elders

Dan Bird
I have been blessed to be married to my wonderful wife & confident Jean, for over 45 years. We have 4 great adult children and 9 even greater grandchildren.
I was brought up in a Christian family and came to know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour at a summer church camp as a child. The reality and significance of that decision would come to fruition through faithful friends and mentors at West Park Church years later. West Park Church has now been home for over 40 years, and I am honoured to have served our church family on the Elder Board for several years now.
My favourite responsibility as an Elder has been to be involved in membership interviews. True life stories of how God intervenes in some of the most incredible circumstances to draw His children to the truth of the gospel is powerful and exciting, especially amongst our new Canadian families. I have a love for all kinds of history and lately have enjoyed studying early Church History, humbled by that selflessness and commitment of the first believers.
Jean and I love to travel and enjoy all types of good restaurants and food. Asked what food I enjoy the most: Seems to be "whatever is not good for me."

Suhel Barkho
I was born as a “Christian” and grew up in family who were “Christians” by name only. After I got married, I saw the work of God begin in the life of Ranya, my wife, in a tangible way. The Lord was working within my family and through my wife to go to a Christian Church. This affected her and our children, but I had not experienced the Holy Spirit in my life yet.
The work of the Lord then began in my life, through Pastor Mark, as we began attending WestPark Church. Pastor Mark encouraged us in our spiritual growth, whether through bible study, prayer meetings, or the weekly sermons we heard on Sundays.
Through the presence of all our faithful brothers and sisters at WestPark Church ( whether it is English, Chinese, or Spanish ) we learn something new and discover wonderful things. God has worked and continues to work in our lives, molding us so we resemble Christ’s image and affect the world around us for the glory of His Holy name.

Pat Cowling
As a child, I was invited to West Park's Day Camp by some neighbours. Then, in high school I was invited to youth group at West Park by some friends in school. I came to faith at 16 and was baptized because of these friendships
I have been married to Jessica for 17 years. We have two children Ellis (9) and Wesley (7) and a golden doodle named Hazel. One-on-one discipling with godly men that have come into my life for different seasons has most helped me grow spiritually.
My greatest joy on the elder board is Interviewing new potential members and hearing their stories of faith and life.
My favourite food? Extra spicy butter chicken with lots of naan bread.

Ryan Enns
I grew up in a loving Christian home. My parents were leaders in our small rural church in southern Manitoba. We attended church regularly as a family and I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 7.
My wife Kimberly and I have been married for 29 years. We have 4 grown children. Our daughter Ashley is a teacher in Hawaii with YWAM. Our daughter Alyssa is a nurse and is married to Ben. They have several businesses in the Collingwood area. Our youngest son Brad is in the military and looks forward to beginning his career as a firefighter.
I continue to grow in my faith by listening to podcasts and reading. Kimberly and I enjoy our devotion and prayer time daily together. One of the things I appreciate about serving on the Board is being with like-minded, passionate men of God. This inspires and pushes me in my Spiritual walk with Christ. I am excited to see where God will continue to lead us.
My favourite food? Definitely a steak with a loaded baked potato and veggies!

Dan Forbes
WestPark has been my church home since childhood. It was here that I accepted Christ and was later baptized as a teenager.
I attended Liberty University in Virginia where I met my wife, Pam. We have been married for six years and have two wonderful kids, Hudson and Hattie. We are also expecting our third child later this fall.
Growing up, I had the privilege of being a missionary kid and was able to witness first-hand the power and provision of Christ. I continue to grow in my faith by studying God's word, participating in biblical studies as well as interacting with fellow believers. I currently serve with our usher team.
I look forward to serving WestPark as an Elder. My wife and I are very excited to see what the Lord has in store for the years to come.

Brian Furtney
I asked Jesus to come into my life at Sunday School when I was five years old. Our teacher simply explained that we are all sinners and that if we ask Jesus to forgive us, he will and will take away our sins.
My wife Rhonda and I have been attending WestPark since 1977. We have been involved in music ministries since then. I have served as a Deacon, Elder, committee member and tech team member. It is a pleasure to serve the Lord and the people of WestPark in these ways. We have two adult children and three grandchildren, all of whom bring us great joy.
I am so thankful for the solid biblical teaching that we have at WestPark and the opportunity to grow spiritually as a result. I believe that God has great things in store in the years ahead and look forward to continuing serving Him as long as I am able.

Brendan Lofgren
I grew up in a loving Christian home and I am blessed to be part of a family with a strong heritage of Faith. I came to accept Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour as a child while attending WestPark and I was later baptized at WestPark as a young teen. I have seen God’s grace and faithfulness in my life in the form of many different spiritual mentors over the years. I continue to be on a journey of growing in my faith and walking with Christ as I seek to serve Him.
My wife Kayla and I have been married for 15 years and met at WestPark. We started dating after a mission’s trip to Haiti together. We have two sons who bring us great joy Beckham and Judah.
The WestPark Church community has been a big part of my life and the friendships and role models from our church community have contributed greatly to my spiritual growth. I am grateful for the strong biblical teaching and the multi generational/multi cultural community we have. My family and I look forward to continuing to serve Christ within our church community, the city of London, and beyond.

Shawn Luo
The first day of April 2004, one month after I landed in Canada from China, I decided to accept Christ Jesus as my Saviour at an evangelical event in Toronto.
Grace and I have three lovely children, Dollar, Ryanna and Will. All of our children are very actively volunteering at KidsChurch in WestPark. Grace has been working as a real estate agent for almost 15 years now. God uses Grace to bring many people to His church. I have grown spiritual by reading all kinds of different biblical books. And I enjoy being on the board as I talk with other elders, listen to their stories and learn from their insights and experiences.
My favourite food? I love Szechuan (Sichuan) food, which is well known for its spicy flavour. Sichuan is the province where I was born and raised.

Chimere Okoronkwo
While growing up in Nigeria I was surrounded by Christians, but it was in 2001 at a church program that the importance of Hebrew 11:6 was fully revealed to me and this led me to take the step of faith in accepting Christ as my personal saviour.
Since then, I have continued to seek avenues to grow my faith including talking with others about my faith, volunteering in different capacities within the church, and studying the Bible and other Christian literature with others. I am looking forward to participating on the board of WestPark.
My wife (Irene) and I have been married for over 22 years. We have four lovely children – Tarela, Somto, Dabere, and Doubra. We enjoy coming to WestPark. In my free time (which are few and far between), I enjoy playing soccer or watching Arsenal FC play. My favourite food is fried plantain (dodo in our local parlance) and beans (cooked in palm oil).

Juan Zelaya
In November 1996 I arrived in Canada, solely with the desire to make money so that after five years I would return to my country; those were my plans. But on January 18, 1998; Jesus came to my heart and saved me, and since then, He keeps changing my life, He changed my plans, I was deported from Canada, due to negligence I was lost without faith and without hope. But God allowed me to return to Canada and God allowed me to obtain permanent residency in 2001.
I married my wife Hilda on August 25, 2001, and in 2003 we began the pastoral ministry of the congregation where I had been born again. We pastored this congregation for 19 years, until September 12, 2021, when we joined with the WestPark Spanish Ministry lead by Pastor Mario. We are very happy to join the Hispanic ministry and continue to serve our God.
To this day I am happily married, I continue to serve the Lord in pastoral ministry, I am the father of three beautiful daughters, and by the grace of God we are moving forward.