Where We Play, Learn, And Grow a Heart for Jesus
At WestPark we commit ourselves to families in two significant ways. First, we commit to guiding and equipping parents with tools and resources to help them be the primary spiritual influencers in their homes. Second, we commit to teaching and reinforcing God’s truths to kids through a variety of creative and relevant means.
Sunday Morning Care | Ages 0 - 2
Starting with the precious babies, we care about the experience your children have at West Park Church. Our Nursery is for children ages 0 – 23 months old where they are welcomed and loved by our wonderful Nursery Team. The children will enjoy a story and singing time as well as lots of cuddles and interaction with new little friends and toys. We want to take every opportunity to share with a child that Jesus loves them, and they are precious to our Church Family too.
For more information, please email Mrs. Kimberly
Age 0 – 2
@WestPark Church

Preschool Storytime
Songs & Stories | Ages 0 - School Age
Mondays at 10:30 - 11:30 am
This is an informal time for caregivers and little ones to get together and enjoy songs and stories with Carole. For all ages (very tiny to almost school-age) this is a fun time to get to know other adults and kiddies.
For more information, please email Mrs. Carole
0-School Age
@WestPark Church
Child Dedication
Making a Commitment
This is a public commitment that you, the parent(s), make before God, your church, and your family. The dedication service is an opportunity to express your desire to spiritually nurture your child so that one day he or she will develop a desire to love God and love others.
For more information, click below