Women's Elevate: Weekend Retreat
April 11-12, 2025
Prayer is a gift - an invitation to talk with God. But prayer can also be a challenge. Do you have trouble thinking of words to say, fear some emotions are to intense to express to God, or reach the end of a day only to realize you haven't prayed at all? You are not alone. Thankfully, in God's Word we encounter many voices that can inspire our own. Join us for a weekend away to renew your prayer life. Learn how to direct your focus and worship to God as our good Father. How he already knows but wants to hear the desires of our hearts and how to surrender your hurts, doubts and struggles to him. When you pray, your faith is strengthened and your heart is united to Jesus.
What to Expect
Location - Oakwood Resort 70671 Bluewater Hwy, Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0
Schedule - Friday, April 11 | 6:15 - 11:00 pm
Saturday, April 12 | 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Price includes accommodations, continental breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Quad: Share with three others—2 to a bed. $180 per person
Triple: Two queen beds to be shared by 3 people. $200 per person
Double: Share with one other and have your own bed. $225 per person
Single: Have a truly quiet weekend and enjoy the solitude of your own room. $325 person
Registration is now closed.

... deeper with God through Bible study and prayer.
Wednesdays | Current March Studies
March 19 – May 21, 2025
Our greatest desire is to see women grow. To have confidence in their faith and eternal security. To form the spiritual discipline of being in God’s Word daily. And to deepen their understanding of who God is and how He wants us to live our lives. No matter where you are in your faith journey, we have something for you!
AM studies run from 9:45 - 11:15 am | PM studies run from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Childcare is provided for the morning studies.

Precept Bible Study: Judges
Wednesday mornings – 9:45 to 11:15 am
Wednesday evenings – 7:00 to 8:30 pm
Nothing has changed from the days of the Judges – people still do what is right in their own eyes. Absolutes are shoved aside and the result is bondage to sin. Only God’s truths and moral principles bring peace and freedom from bondage. During a period of over 350 years God raised up 14 judges to do His work. Each one had issues, each one had weaknesses, but God used them in spite of themselves simply because they made themselves available. God can use you as well if you surrender yourself to Him.
Precept Bible Study: Ruth
If you were a slave, who would buy your freedom? If you had an enemy, who would come to your defense? In the Old Testament, this buyer-defender known as a “kinsman – redeemer” was usually a close relative. If you’re a believer, you already have one – Jesus Christ! This rich study shows how Jesus both bought us (redeemer) and advocates (defends) for us, offering us an opportunity to rebuild our broken lives.
There are two levels of study that will be combined for discussion.
Precept Upon Precept | Cost $34 | 5 days of homework
Precept upon Precept studies are in-depth, inductive studies in an easy to follow, daily format that takes approximately 1 hour per day for 5 days.
In & Out | Cost $30 | 3 days of homework
In & Out is a streamlined approach to the some of the material that is in PUP but requires fewer hours (approximately 1 ½ hrs. per week or ½ hr for 3 days). Take God’s Word in so you can live it out!

Habakkuk: Learning to Live by Faith
Wednesday mornings – 9:45 to 11:15 am
Wednesday evenings – 7:00 to 8:30 pm
From Habakkuk the prophet we learn that when God’s ways don’t seem to make sense, it’s only because we can’t see the end from the beginning, and because in this lifetime we get only a beginning glimpse of the magnitude of all God is. We also learn from Habakkuk what to do in seasons of waiting. Habakkuk also shows us that God is faithful to deliver his people—including us—from every trouble in his own way and time. Will we trust? If so, we will also wait, and we will prove in our own lives that God is worth waiting for.
Book Cost is $25

... to encourage and direct each other to Jesus.
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